Sunday, May 26, 2019

Physics Week 3

All the evidence I've found for synchronicity tend to come from my own life, and the experiences I've heard of others. I'm one of those people that always knew who was calling, when I was a kid before we had caller ID. There have been too many coincidences in my life for me to believe entirely in linear time, and I think that the ways that we effect each other extend far beyond the realm of the physical. One of my teachers told me to look at the life we have while we're awake as if we're in a dream - for example, if you in a dream talking to someone wearing a bright blue shirt, and then later in the dream you saw a plant that was the exact same color blue, you would likely consider those to be significant details upon waking. But when those kinds of things happen in this reality, we rarely notice. I try to pay attention to my waking life as if I'm in a dream, and notice the ways that everything is linked. I think its possible that this reality is also a dream we're all dreaming.


  1. To build on your dream theory, it is possible that we are all still in Spirit, but dreaming that we are not. In other words the physical experience is a dream we are dreaming from the Spirit world. I think where you are going with this exploration, is that you see your physical reality and your dream/sleep state fusing together. This is my experience as well. As our dreams become more sensational, our waking state becomes more dreamlike. From this place our synchronicities are more traceable.

  2. Hmmm perhaps this is all just a dream. So whats on the outside of the dream and whats controlling it?

    I think its amazing that everyone can connect to the topic of synchronicity. Its a magical thing that's hard to explain that we call can relate to. :)
