Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Chemistry Week 1

Hey everyone, Bridget here. I had such a bad time with chemistry in high school, I nearly failed it. For a total academic nerd like me, it was humbling and intensely stressful. I couldn't grasp the math - which was basically the entire presentation of the subject. I even had a stress dream about failing chemistry last weekend! I'm relieved to hear that I may not need to memorize complex equations every week to get by, which will probably help me actually engage with the subject.

As for the quiz, I incorrectly guessed that rusting of iron is a physical change, and that table salt is a pure substance. Now I know ;)

I checked out the first two links for the periodic tables, as the other ones weren't working for me for some reason. My strongest impression was remembering how many blank spaces/place holders used to be in the radioactive/manmade portion of the table when I was in high school, and how they're all filled up now.


  1. Bridgette I can totally relate. I've always been interested in science but was totally put off by all the math in high school which now I find much more interesting as I've explored math in different ways, like trying to understand fractals, the I Ching and looking the all this through a lens like the Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra.

  2. Wow, so I am not alone! I just cannot connect the dots in Chemistry...I think I failed it in high school as well as in college many moons ago. Hopefully, the third time is charm.

  3. Uhmmm, I was a selective learner when I was in high school. I never had a chemistry, or for that matter a physics class in my life. I have a passing interest in it now since it's so much a part of western med.
