Sunday, May 19, 2019

Biology Week 2

The subject of evo-devo is one of those topics where all I can think about is that however much we know, there is so much more we don't. Even when we have new fossil findings, it will always be tip of the iceberg and we'll always be stumbling in the dark to a certain degree. The vast majority of fossils from that time period are unfindable, and even when they are we are just making our best guesses about what everything means. I think its funny that we struggle with the idea of primitive humanoids doing things like traveling by water, and make up pretty wild hypothesis like people surviving being moved from one land mass to another via typhoon. Our egos crop up in funny ways. 

This has been a strange week for sleep on my end. I'm usually the kind of person who falls and stays asleep very easily, and I generally get 7-9 hours a night. This week in particular was full of vivid dreams, especially the night of the full moon. I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept much, because I was so active in the dream realm. I feel pretty connected to the moon phases, as I track them for the sake of spirituality, and I'm not surprised that western scientists have found that we sleep the most fitfully during the full moon. 


  1. When I read "tip of the iceberg" my mind jumped to the permafrost melting, and perhaps giving up more remains of ancient beings.
    I also had a similar thought about ego with the assumption that were made through each of the articles.

  2. Again this reminds me of how its human nature, or at least western human nature to want everything to fit into a neat and clean package. Uncertainty and life's mysteries makes us very uncomfortable.
