Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Chemistry Week 2

I've been thinking about our conversation on antidepressants found in fish brains. I think its alarming that our antidepressant use has increased so much, but I don't think the antidepressants are the issue. I think that our world is becoming less and less bearable for many people. People are isolated by economics, and a social and medical structure lacking in community and compassion. I think we definitely need to create an updated filtration system for our water to directly address the issue of the pollution, and we need to work collectively to make our communities more supportive for those who are most at risk of isolation and sickness.

I'm sure I would be appalled to see my own personal trash heap. Personally, I recycle and compost, but I wonder how much of that recycling and compost is actually missing the landfill. I don't necessarily trust our goverments to but a lot of effort into properly recycling. And I don't personally believe that individual efforts will have a major effect on pollution, unless those efforts are to completely demolish and recreate our governmental and economic systems so they are not so slanted towards those who are becoming rich off destroying the planet.

1 comment:

  1. I really connected with "I'm sure I would be appalled by my own personal trash heap." :/ You are also correct about a significant amount of our recycling and compost likely not making it to where we intend for it to go. There is hope. I think with the support of the government moving programs forward to reconstruct how we re-use items is possible. I think having a president which believes global warming is occurring can help accelerate this process.
