Monday, July 22, 2019

Physics Week 7 - Chaos Theory

  • Ordered Chaos - does this sound familiar?
  • Fractals as patterns of complex systems
  • Consciousness out of chaos?
Ordered chaos sounds familiar! Reminds me of my bedroom when I was a kid, or the roads in cities in Iran. It looks totally wild and chaotic, but somehow it still functions. This could also be applied to our government, which is completely enmeshed in a million rules and procedures but somehow is still totally chaotic. 

Fractals: It seems to me like fractals are a representation of looking at the micro to understand the macro, and vice versa, which is something we do in TCM. Somehow, even in complex systems where chaos seems to reign supreme, certain patterns and relationships emerge. 

Consciousness: I think consciousness is a way that order comes out of chaos, and that its ordered-ness is very precarious. It's a way for the universe to notice, and to observe, and there are patterns that can be observed through consciousness. However I think because of entropy we are always sliding back towards chaos

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