Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Physics Week 5

My Asymmetrical World:
I like thinking about how the world is actually asymmetrical. I think as humans we often see balance and symmetry as some kind of goal or ideal, when really that's pretty unrealistic and unnatural. I'm thinking about asymmetry when it comes to power and relationships, and how people don't need to be exactly balanced in order to thrive and can achieve harmony through interpersonal support. For example I'm really good at organization, emotional support and keeping track of what needs to be done when, my partner is really good at fixing things when they break and de-escalating conflict, and my housemate/best friend is really good at taking care of our animals and plants and cooking. We don't need to be perfectly symmetrical within ourselves to be part of a functioning whole. 

CP violation: I think this is fascinating! I don't exactly know what the implications are, why it happens or what it ultimately means, other than it means that there is more going on than we can comprehend. And I love that! What is the hidden force that led to our current matter-dominant universe? Maybe we're not meant to know. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! When my partner and I first moved in together, we would argue frequently because we kept trying to make the roles in the house symmetrical. But the fact of the manner is, she is a great cook and is good at it, she has the car so can easily pick up groceries, she is better at grooming the dog, and she is better at waking up earlier than I can. While even though I would get anxious about cooking for us - I am better at cleaning, laundry, putting clothes away for the both of us, tidying up, prepping the house the night before for the dog, etc.

    After some time, we realized that it was okay of us to not be great at everything - that a asymmetrical relationship is actually a better fit.
