Monday, July 22, 2019

Cell Biology and Cancer

  • How sophisticated is our understanding of cancer?
  • How does a TCM approach to cancer differ?

1) I think we are still in the middle stages of understanding cancer. If we were further along, we would have more effective cures and prevention protocols. Cancer is tricky because while there are some overlapping facts about all cancers, every kind of cancer is unique, and even specific types of cancers are different in different bodies. This makes cancer more of an umbrella term for many diseases, and the unique-ness of every person's cancer means that standardized approaches, which western medicine is so fond of, doesn't always work well. 

2) TCM is about treating a person with cancer, rather than treating cancer. So, rather than giving someone a drug or treatment that is meant to attack or kill a person's cancer cells, TCM practitioners would focus on strengthening a person's constitution and helping to balance their energy so the person's system was strong enough to fight the cancer off on its own. 

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