- Acupuncture as effective energy medicine
- What conclusions can you draw from Kirlian photography
- Human intent as it affects health
I believe acupuncture is effective energy medicine - that's why I'm studying it! It's funny how there's this disconnect in our culture, where we are very science-based, and the hard sciences are telling us that everything is literally made of energy, interacting w each other on visible and invisible levels, and most ppl accept these findings as true. But when healers say they believe that healing has to happen on an energetic level, its often scoffed at. What's up with that?
I'd never heard of Kirlian photography before this class, its interesting. I know people who see auras so I definitely believe it/them. I don't really see why we couldnt capture the energy around someone/something with the right tool. And I think its silly that some thought it was discounted because it was still capturing the glow around a leaf that had been broken/died. I think it totally makes sense for something that is dying/dead to still be giving off energy
I do think intention matters, though I also think that impact matters more than intent. When it comes to healing, I think that everyone is capable of affecting others with their intentions, and some people who are healers learn how to channel that effect and make it stronger
If Kirlian photography can show acupuncture points,I wonder if it has the capability showing all the points and if the auras are going to change when a point location changes with the energy.