Sunday, August 4, 2019

July 8 Ecosystems and Deep Ecology

  • What do you think about the “eight-point Deep Ecology Platform”?
  • Can you explain why “Ecosystems are both strong and fragile”?
  • How would you assess the “end goals” of Social Ecology?

I think its great! I know some people may see it as radical and far-reaching, but I think we need to dream about our ideals way before they're possible. Things need to be dreamed in order to come to reality, we have to push for the future we want even if it seems so at odds with the likely future if humans keep acting so foolish

Life is strong and fragile. We can survive heartbreak, poverty, cancer, getting hit by a bus, etc, but then maybe we trip while walking down an icy sidewalk and die. Ecosystems are reflective of that. We are flexible and strong, but we do have breaking points. Nothing can be strong forever. 

July 31 - Biophysics - Energy Medicine and Energy Fields

  • Acupuncture as effective energy medicine
  • What conclusions can you draw from Kirlian photography
  • Human intent as it affects health

I believe acupuncture is effective energy medicine - that's why I'm studying it! It's funny how there's this disconnect in our culture, where we are very science-based, and the hard sciences are telling us that everything is literally made of energy, interacting w each other on visible and invisible levels, and most ppl accept these findings as true. But when healers say they believe that healing has to happen on an energetic level, its often scoffed at. What's up with that?

I'd never heard of Kirlian photography before this class, its interesting. I know people who see auras so I definitely believe it/them. I don't really see why we couldnt capture the energy around someone/something with the right tool. And I think its silly that some thought it was discounted because it was still capturing the glow around a leaf that had been broken/died. I think it totally makes sense for something that is dying/dead to still be giving off energy

I do think intention matters, though I also think that impact matters more than intent. When it comes to healing, I think that everyone is capable of affecting others with their intentions, and some people who are healers learn how to channel that effect and make it stronger

Biochemistry - Week Thirteen - The Body's Ecosystem

Examine your own diet for the coming week and use the four NOVA Food Classifications to report on your findings in your blog.

- This was not the best week for me to be tracking my diet! I'm in a marathon of finals, so I've mostly been grabbing whatever I can get. However, even with the extra stress I didn't eat much from group 4. My worst offense was ice cream - definitely ultra processed, whoops. I also ate quite a few bagels this week. My family cooks a lot and gets a CSA share, so I'm lucky to have a lot of unprocessed or low-processed meals available at home. 

Researchers have identified some 700 microbial species that inhabit the human mouth 

- Thats just another reminder of how we have more non-human cells in our bodies than human cells - so wild! 

July 29 - Biology - Vaccination

Ø    Should “parents take a more active role in designing their children’s immunization schedule”?

Ø    Would you support making vaccination programs “compulsory”?

- I'm not sure about the first point. I'm a little torn because I think that vaccines are necessary and life-saving but I'm not convinced we need to give babies multiple vaccines in one day. I feel like a big part of that is probably convenience for the producers of vaccines and doctors, whereas it could be healthier/less emotionally and physically traumatic for a baby to get them each on different days. 

- I do support making vaccines compulsory. They already practically are, and the rates of so many life threatening diseases have plummeted because of this. When I was younger I was friends with some militant health-craze types who said that vaccines are poison and cause all sorts of disease, and I was impressionable and thought they might be right. But through my own research and through being friends with many immunocompromised and autistic people, I've learned that vaccines are completely necessary

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chemistry July 3: A question of balance and alchemy

Post your thoughts on the diet suggestions in pH Balance: Acids &Alkalis & Anti-Oxidants

It's interesting that the alkaline to acid gradient here seems to fall along the same lines of healthy to unhealthy for many other factors, such as fake sugars/unhealthy fats/high processed foods etc. It looks like "alkaline" can be almost synonymous with "healthy". I know our western medicine teacher says that alkaline diets are a fad because our body pH has to stay within a very small, specific margin, and if we were truly "acidic" it would be a medical emergency. I wonder where the truth lies...

Classical Physics

  • Newton’s Three Laws and me
  • Our “Energy Efficient” Culture
  • Descartes has a lot to answer for!

1) Newton's 3 laws are as follows:
  1. Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it
  2. Force equals mass times acceleration 
  3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

In terms of the first law, I figure this includes the force of the molecules making up the atmosphere around an object, and wonder if that means that an object accelerating within a vacuum is the only type of object that would not eventually stop or slow acceleration. The second is pretty straightforward, and as for the could definitely apply this law beyond physics! Although when I think about it, sometimes it doesn't work out. Like, if you punch someone, they might punch you back. Maybe that's equal, but is it opposite? Possibly, if you see a punch going in the opposite direction as "opposite" to that first punch. But if you are caring for someone, and they care for you back, is that opposite? Seems more "the same" than opposite. Maybe its not possible to translate this physics equation into human interactions after all.

2) I really hope that our culture becomes more energy efficient. Right now, it feels like we're so wasteful. So many lights on in rooms with no one in them, such dirty fuel being burned when there are many viable alternatives. I wonder why the gym I go to isnt being powered by the energy created from all those treadmills rather than an outside (and likely dirty) electricity source. We need to become more efficient, as quickly as possible. It still may not be enough to stave off the worst effects of global warming, but its worth a shot

Cell Biology: HIV and AIDS

  • How do you feel about western approaches to HIV/AIDS?
  • What are your thoughts on the issues around the PrEP treatment?
  • Can TCM strengthen our immune systems?

1) I think that medical professionals are doing what they can, with the tools that they have, to prevent the spread of and improve the life of those with HIV/AIDs. Antiretroviral drugs and preventative medicines like PrEP and PeP have saved, prolonged, and improved many lives. I'd like to see more of a focus on curing the disease, and on getting these life-saving medications to the global population 

2) I think PrEP is vital and important medicine. I have many friends who are on it, and I sleep more soundly at night knowing they are protecting themselves in this way. I think the main barriers to access are a lack of education/information, and slut-shaming/guilting of people who could benefit from it. The fact is, humans have sex, often with people we don't know well, and we need to get over puritanical attitudes about morality. These are the same attitudes that prevented public and governmental mobilization when HIV was first spreading in the US - and resulted in the deaths of so many people. PrEP saves lives, and it should be available at no cost to anyone who needs it. 

3) Of course! TCM supports the body to achieve a greater state of harmony, which strengthens all of our systems, including our immune systems. I think TCM can be helpful for anyone who is struggling with autoimmune diseases